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Dr Gilda Carle

Dr. Gilda Carle

Dr. Gilda Carle is the media’s go-to Relationship and Life Style Expert who has penned 15 books and now, Dr. Gilda Carle is using her well-honed skills to bring to light the plight of homeless Female Veterans.

For far to long now, Female Veterans have largely been ignored, with the media focus generally shining a light on their male counterparts.

But the predicament of homeless Female Veterans is not something to be ignored — the National Alliance reports that as troops return from operations in Iraq and Afghanistan homeless veterans are increasingly younger, female, and heads of households

They now comprise of the fastest growing group among the homeless and no one seems to be paying attention to the quandary these women find themselves in.

This is where Dr Gilda comes in. Through her educational nonprofit charity, Country Cures®, she runs a unique female-centric training program called “Pre-Employment Skills for SHEroes©” that uses Country Music and Female Language, which is helping transform lives and getting women off the street.

“These women feel hopeless, yet no one has been training them in Female Empowerment Skills so they can get jobs and become independent,” she says. “Female Vets comprise almost 15% of the military, and they’re more likely to be unemployed than male vets.  To retain jobs, they first need to sharpen their self-esteem, conflict management, and interpersonal communications.”

So why the use of country music?

CountryMusic (1)-2

Dr. Gilda explains that it works because it tells relationship stories with which Female Vets identify; Its string harmonics match the energy of the heart, small intestine, pericardium, thyroid, and adrenal glands; Its listeners are found to display “higher functioning behaviors” in truth, trust, and love (David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D.); Its artists support the military, so it is familiar to Female Vets.

“The unique combination of FemaleTalk and Country Music is greatly successful with this invisible sector,” adds the renowned Empowerment Educator.  “The women respond as never before!”

You can help save homeless Female Veterans and their children by donating now to Country Cures and to learn more about Dr. Gilda, please visit her website:

Eric Berry


Eric Berry’s story of courage in the face of adversity  is inspiring in more ways than one.

In the scandal-ridden world of NFL, Eric Berry has hit the headlines for all the right reasons.

Diagnosed in November with Hodgkin’s lymphoma, the Kansas City Chiefs player pushed through the tears, the pain, the treatments, and yet sort to help others who he said, had it worse than him.

An example of this is the low-key visit he made with his mother, Carol, to young cancer patients at KC’s Children’s Mercy Hospital in June.

Eric with his mom visiting a children's hospital in June

Eric with his mom visiting a children’s hospital in June

They sat on a stage, there to talk a room of 50 or 60 parents and kids and doctors.

Ecic Berry told them he was fighting as hard as he could, and that he was living his message of giving everything you have for each day.

“I couldn’t think of anybody better to be a role model for my kids,” Michelle Bone, mother to Daeton, Haydon and Bradon, told Kansas City. “That’s one thing my kids absolutely take away from him, something that’s affected them. You have to believe in yourself.”

And that belief in himself lead to the most extraordinary of announcement’s this past Wednesday — he was now cancer-free.

“Really, when you look at it, you’re not battling the chemo, you’re battling yourself the whole time. It was me versus me,” he said during his press conference. “There were many times where I didn’t know if I would wake up tomorrow. I would just be up scared to go to sleep.”

That same day he walked onto the practice fields at Missouri Western State University, joining rookies and select veterans Wednesday for the start of training camp.

This courage and determination means Berry’s legacy extends way beyond the playing field — he is now a symbol of hope to those who need it most.

“He’s special to them,” says Brad Warady, Children’s Mercy director of dialysis and transplantation. “The kids always like to see one of their own, someone who’s dealing with a chronic illness, deal with it and overcome it and show there’s light at the end of the tunnel.

“Seeing Eric succeed, seeing Eric back on the field, that’s a real positive for the kids.”

As for Berry, he says of his cancer battle: “It’s been a roller coaster, but I wouldn’t change it for the world.”

Berry and his mom during his announcement Wednesday

Berry and his mom during his announcement Wednesday

Devon Still


Spiritual Courage: Devon Still and cancer-battling daughter Leah is a teatmaent that With GOD all things are possible. And this resonated loud and clear at Wednesday night’s ESPY Awards ceremony, where in an emotionally charged speech, Devon Still accepted an award for his cancer-battling daughter Leah.

The duo was honored for perseverance in the face of adversity.

Leah, who is just 5 and did not attend the ceremony, was diagnosed in 2014 with Stage IV neuroblastoma, a rare pediatric cancer that doctors said left her with a 50/50 chance of survival.

“We had two options,” Devon  Still told the ESPYs audience. “We could have lost faith and just let this battle with cancer get the best of us, or I could give my daughter’s battle with cancer a purpose, and use my platform to try to raise as much awareness as possible.”

Devon Still Accepts ESPY On Behalf Of Daughter

Devon Still Accepts ESPY On Behalf Of Daughter

The NFL player for the Cincinnati Bengals, went on to express his gratitude for those who have supported them through this tumultuous time — and he saved his final thanks for Leah.

“I know you wish you could be here, but I know you’re watching,” he said. “I just want to thank you. From the moment you [were] born, you molded me into the man I am today. I always used to dream about how I was going to be able to show you so much about life, but in the five years I’ve been with you, you’ve taught me more about life than I could ever do.”

ESPYs co-executive producer Maura Mandt said the father and daughter were selected as Jimmy V Perseverance Award recipients because they serve as beacons of hope to other families who are locked in a battle of their lives.

“This award is a testament to the inspiration Devon Still and Leah are to all the families who are suffering from similar circumstances,” Mandt said. “It is our hope that with this award we can send them more strength as they face this latest challenge.”

Leah poses with her ESPY award

Leah poses with her ESPY award